University of Pennsylvania Correia Scholarship Endowment – 2020 Winners

University of Pennsylvania Correia Scholarship Endowment

Founded in 2013 by Clive Anthony “C” Correia Penn Iota ’96, The Endowment is primarily based on financial need, while also considering community service and fraternity and campus involvement.  While established by Correia, The Endowment has grown tremendously thanks to the amazing generosity of many Penn Iota alumni. Since inception, The Correia Scholarship Endowment has awarded 31 scholarships to deserving undergraduate recipients.

“This scholarship will relieve me and my family of financial burden. While I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of Phi Kappa Psi, I am a highly-aided student, and dues are an extra financial burden that I face in my school experience. This scholarship will allow me to continue performing strongly in my academics, without the added financial stress.” – Caylen David Penn ’20

We are happy to announce this year’s outstanding recipients:

Caylen David Penn ’20
Joseph DeSimone Penn ’19
Thomas Hesch Penn ’20
Matthew Li Penn ’19
Fisher M. Taylor Penn ’19


University of Pennsylvania Correia Scholarship Endowment